вторник, 31 января 2017 г.

Ancient Masons. The Adepts of the God Horus

Those who will comprehend the true kernel of this article may consider themselves to be let into the divine secrets at the level of the Lodge Master.
All mysteries of the ancient world are associated with one place and one people living in this place. Sources name this place Gel, Hylaea, Gallia, Gilead, Chelat, Chaldea, Celt, etc. And the people inhabiting this place is called Gels,  Gauls, Chaldeans, the Gouliards, etc. In ancient sources this people was considered as the descendant of gods, demigods, angels, dragonborns and saints. All emperors, kings, tsars, sultans and shahs also belonged to this people. God himself governed them regarding them as his own people and their land as his own land.
Today one of the most talked about subjects is Freemasonry, rulers of the world and the conspiracy theory. With numerous materials on this subject there is no information about its true kernel and a reason of the origin of the Order of Masons. That’s why we undertook to reveal the essence of this secret society. 
It is commonly believed that Freemasonry originates from secret societies that appeared in Europe in the 16-18th centuries. But before that a secret organization of the Gouliards or sons of Goulia governing almost the whole Europe was known.  In his book entitled “The Language of the Birds. The Secret History of Europe” Grasset d’Orcet made a special emphasis on the fact that the Gouliards and Masons represent the same society the main cult for which was worship of Saint Gaul, Saint Goul or Saint Geli. The Grand Lodge of the order of Goul’s sons which also united all leaders of separate corporations of the organization, even including the clergy, represented a secret parliament of a kind that was under the auspices of the king who consulted him on all important issues. All problems discussed in this parliament presupposed knowledge of the secret language of hieroglyphs. This language was called the Language of the Birds which is based on consonants and has more profound meaning (1).
In the opinion of Grasset d’Orcet the name (symbol) of Goul originates from Arabic and appeared in France in the 9th century after the Muslim invasion.
We should therefore to clarify who was patriarch Goulia (Gul), the man knowing the secret Language of the Birds, in order to reach the origins of the secret society of the Gouliards.
According to the Koran knowledge of the Language of the Birds was given to Prophet Solomon to whom genies, people, birds, etc. were subordinated. God himself patronized him. And genies built for him some mysterious buildings (2).
This points to the fact that king Solomon had some secret knowledge granted him by God.
According to an Arab legend there was a small group of initiates who lived in distant oases and retained occult knowledge of Solomon keeping it under close wraps. Other magicians who mastered magic words, amulets and invocations had collected countless treasures in huge caves and become a sort of the occult elite which ruled the world (3). This means that the Language of the Birds was associated with initiated magicians. PseudoLukian describes the magicians as a “group of prophets dedicated to service of gods among Persians, Partians, Bactrians, Chorasmians, Aryans, Sakians and Medians” (4).
In the opinion of the Great Sufi Muyiddin Ibn Arabi the Solomon’s grade, or Solomon’s higher secret knowledge, was granted to the people of Prophet Mohammed, so, no other people could excel them (5). It follows that the Muslim saints: pirs, seyids, shihs, etc. mastered the secret Language of the Birds. And famous predictor Nostradamus considered that the people of Solomon lived on the shore of the Aras River (6).  The Aras River flows in the Caucasus, and famous Azerbaijani Sufi Imadaddin Nasimi considered that the Sufi language was the Language of the Birds known to Solomon (7). It appears that Sufis who lived in the Caucasus were the people of Solomon.
In the opinion of Kushayri (died in 1074) Sufis are the chosen people: “God created this community of chosen people among His friends and put them above other believers after His messengers and prophets… and cleansed them from the dark”.
Kushayri affirms that the concept of ‘Sufi’ is not concealed in any word roots suggested for its formation, as in that case violence is often applied to linguistic rules. “This group is also well-known by its demand for definition by means of lexical similarity and searches of word roots”, Kushayri says. British orientalist Sir William Jones (died in1794) was of the same opinion. He began to learn Farsi, Arabic and Sanskrit during the establishment of the Asiatic Society in Calcutta in 1784. He took all mystic teachings as ultimately integrated; they are expressed by means of “thousands of metaphors and poetic figures flooding the sacramental poems of Persians and Hindus who, from our point of view, express inherently the same things but in different mediums due to different word roots in their languages!” (8). This points to the fact that the Language of the Birds of Sufis is the language in which the Masons and the Gouliards communicated with each other. It is a language of symbols in which everything pertains to the only Creator.
According to Plato “it is customary to appointthe tribe of 
interpreters to be judges of the true inspiration. Such is the nature 
of the liver, which is placed … in order that it may give prophetic 
intimations” (9). And consequently chosen Sufis are the tribe of 
interpreters who divined secret thoughts of God. This is 
confirmed by another great Sufi Sheikh Shihabuddin Yahya 
Suhrawardi: “There was a community among ancient Persians 
governed by Allah; and the most esteemed wise men differing 
from magicians in everything were under His leadership. Their 
high doctrine of the Light, a teaching confirmed by the experience 
of Plato and his predecessors, was set forth by me in my book 
entitled “Oriental Theosophy” (Hikmat al-Ishraq), and I’m only 
a successor of their undertaking” (10). French writer Francois 
Rabelais proved that there is absolute identity between the teaching 
of the Gouliards and the Plato’s doctrine. Beroalde de Verville 
affirms that these doctrines represent heritage of Druids (11). 
This means that the Gouliards were also descended from the 
same tribe of interpreters and were executors of the divine will.
I have already written in my books and articles that according 
to Philo of Alexandria the God created two kinds of man: the one 
fashioned out of the earth (Gen.2:7), or a mortal being, and the 
other made according to the image of God (Gen. 1:27) (12). Philo 
calls mortal beings the earthly men and those who were created 
according to the image of God the divine men. So, the generation 
of the divine men was the community of Sufi sages guided by God 
himself or Allah. 
In his The Fulcanelli Phenomenon Kenneth Rayner Johnson 
proves that almost all medieval secret organizations originated from 
Sufi orders. Johnson writes: “Robert Graves states in a rather 
categorical manner that Freemasonry appeared as “a Sufi society, 
reached England during the rule of King Athelstan (924-939) and 
took root in Scotland in the form of a craft guild in the beginning 
of the 14th century through the obvious intermediary of the Knights 
Templar” (13). And the researcher Jahangir Gener noted in his book 
entitled The History of Esoteric-Batiniyah Doctrines that when 
Templars and the Ismailites of Hassan Ibn Sabbah met, it has 
emerged that their secret doctrines were similar (14). Given that like 
Templars the Ismailites were called “the people of the temple” it 
becomes apparent that all of them came from the mysterious temple 
of King Solomon.
The founder of the masonic organization Rosicrucians Society 
and the author of the Royal Masonic Encyclopaedia Kenneth 
Mackenzie writes about the Ismailites of Hassan Ibn Sabbah: 
“They were the teachers of secret doctrines of Islamism; they 
encouraged mathematics and philosophy and created many 
valuable works. The superior of the Order was called Shaykh 
al Jabal, which means prince or elder of the mountains, and like 
their Great Teacher he also had the power of life and death” (15).
So, we can arrive to a conclusion that first Masons were the Gouliards, i.e. the sons of Goulia were descended from Sufi-Ismailites who devoted their lives to the service of Allah. They were descendants of ancient Caucasian wizards who had their own doctrine. Here another question arises. Who was Saint Goulia or Gel?
In Islam the ‘Goulia’ or ‘Gel’ symbol applies to ultra Ismaelian Shiites Goulat, called Batinids, i.e. ‘people who understand the hidden meaning of the Koran’. 
It is known that the Batiniyah current in Islam began with Gel or Goulat tribe. According to other sources the symbol of Goulat (GLT) is known as Galata/Hilat/Celt (GLT/HLT/CLT), etc. The Torah names the people coming from Gilead Ishmaelites or Ismailites (16). In the Bible this city is referred to as a special place of God, and He calls it “My Gilead” (17).
According to Bukhari’s Hadith the house of Prophet Mohammed is the house of his cousin Aqeel (Agel) (GL), i.e. the same house of Gel. Dwellers of the Prophet’s house are called al-Bait (L-BT) in Islam that is identical to the Levite (LVT) symbol in the Language of the Birds. In the Torah God says: “…Behold, I have taken the Levites from among the children of Israel instead of every firstborn who opens the womb among the children of Israel. The Levites shall be mine…” (18). This means that Ismailites are the people chosen by God. Considering that Arab and other sources mean the Khazar Turkic Chagan and begs by the ‘Hebrews’ (chosen) symbol, it becomes apparent that true Hebrews were Ismaelian begs of the Gel tribe (19).
The ‘Khazar’ symbol (KHZR) is identical to the ‘Khizir’ (KHZR) symbol in the Language of the Birds and acts as a symbol of immortality.
In the Islamic mythology Khizir or Khizir-Nabi means ever living or immortal. According to beliefs God had made these prophets immortal so that people’s belief in God would increase. They lived on the island, flew in the sky, travelled the world and helped people in time of need. Hence, the ‘Khazar’ symbol applies to the holy generation souls of representatives of which survive after death.
The ‘Turk’ (turk) symbol in Sufism applies to the travelling (sulug) in God, i.e. in Prima Materia. Travelling is the ecstatic state of a Sufi who goes up the Tarikata stairs (Tarika – Turk). The Tarikat’s goal is conversion into Haqiqat/Haqa, i.e. God. The Tarik’s way therefore is the travel of members of the Sufi brotherhood of Turks (Turcoman) in God. And the highest stage of Tarikat/Tarik is the Baka stage. At this stage a man begins to get answers to all questions from the Materia. He can find out the proportion of all things and even create a living being. According to Al-Ghazali at this stage the man can learn all sciences from beginning to end. He can measure the sky and count all stars and calculate the distance to them (20). This points to the fact that the God/Baka symbol is the achievement of higher reason through Sufism. At that stage the Ancient Egyptian God Amun Ra has created a God-Man Atum/Adam by name (21).
It appears that the Turkic peoples were called begs because they achieved the Baka’s level by means of the Tarikat and changed into gods. And the Baka’s level is the Solomon’s stage mentioned by Ibn Arabi.
The ‘Turkic’ (TRC) symbol, i.e. Turkic is known as ‘Theurg’ (THRG). Achievement of the integration of Theurg with God or the Prima Materia was described by Iamblichus Chalcidensis (22). Iamblichus considers Theurgs Egyptian and Assyrian priests who created gods by means of sacrifices and invocations. In Turkic Orkhon-Yenisey monuments, in the beginning of Mogilyan and Kultekin texts a Turkic khan asserts that it was he who had created God like the God and was born in heaven (23). 
All that points to the fact that Gel’s house is the house of Khazar Turkic begs who became immortal gods by means of Theurgy. And the ‘Khazar Turkic Beg’ symbol itself means “The Theurg who became a god (Beg) by means of Theurgy and achieved immortality”.
According to Ibn Arabi Islam begins not with Prophet Mohammed but with Abraham and Jacob who entrusted their sons with Islam (24). So like Christianity Islam is closely related to Abraham’s chosen people. In the Book of Judges ‘Ishmaelites’ means Midianites or Medians (Medes) (25). And Media was the country that existed in the territory of present Azerbaijan. So the ‘Goul’ or ‘Gel’ symbol is associated with Turkic begs of Azerbaijan.
In the history of Azerbaijan the ‘Goulat’ or ‘Galaad’ symbol is known as Hilat, the city seized (according to sources) by Turkic Shah Nasir ad Din Mohammed Sekman II where he proclaimed himself Shahi Arman, i.e. King Arman (26).
The ‘Sekman’ (SK-MN) symbol is interpreted as “Sak-Amun” (Sk-MN) where the ‘sak’ symbol (Egypt. Sakhu) means the human soul which leaving the body gets the new garb. According to the Egyptologist Willis Baju “sakhu” is the core of the human body, i.e. the soul which transformed into the spiritual body by means of priests’ invocations and having left the body wended into heaven where it inhabited with gods (27). And the ‘Arman’ (RMN) symbol in the Language of the Birds is interpreted as Ra Amun (RMN) (or Rahman in Islam) which was considered as the sun god in Ancient Egypt. Thus, it was Hilat or Gilead (Gel) where Pharaoh Amun has changed into God Ra Amun and became immortal.
Sources mention the ‘Sekman’ (SK-MN) symbol as the ‘Shukamun’ (ShK-MN) symbol which is regarded as the Kassite God. It was the God of underground fire identified with one of the god Marduk’s hypostases (28). Shukamun is also known to us as Buddha. Some coins of Kanishka bear the imprint of Buddha and the script ‘Sakamano Buddha (Śākyamuni Buddha)’ and ‘Bago Boddo (Bactrian Bago – God) (29).  So Sekman is at the same time a form of ancient Indian God Buddha and a beg.
It is also reported in sources that the ruler of Hilat and Erzincan Shah Arman Nasir ad Din Mohammed Sekman II married the daughter of Atabey Jahan Pahlavan and after the death of the latter Hilat passed to the ownership of the family of the Azerbaijani atabey (30). The ‘Atabey’ symbol is interpreted as the ‘father of all gods’. So Hilat, i.e. Gilead or Gel, was the home of all ancient Egyptian gods.
In my book The Batiniyah Koran and articles I have proved that Galaad, Goulat, Hilat, Chald, Celt, etc. are one and the same place which is known from Egyptian texts as the city of Gel, i.e. Heliopolis. According to the Memphian and Geliopolian cosmogony Nine Gods of Atum were there, in the city of the Sun.  It is emphasized in the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead (Chapter 152) that the house, i.e. celestial habitation of Gods, was built in Iunu or in Heliopolis. According to this book the house of old Ra was also situated in Iunu and God Ptah who came from Heliopolis lived there. And the body of God Osiri/Usiri (Osiris) rested in the city of Iunu/Heliopolis. Thus, Gel/Hilat was the place where the celestial world of ancient Egyptian Gods had been created.
According to Strabo there were priests living in Gel or Heliopolis and occupying with philosophy and astronomy (31). The most ancient invocations were composed by priests of Heliopolis. It is also mentioned in sources that Mesopotamian and Chaldean astrologers were regarded as magicians and lived in the territory of Media and Persia, which means that Goulia’s sons were Median magicians (wizards), i.e. Midian priests who were called also Chaldean (Goulat/Hilat/Celt) sages. 
According to D.Rohl legendary Egyptian Followers of Horus were descended from the greatest of Mesopotamian heroes (32). And Mesopotamia is Media. This means that Goulia’s sons, i.e. the Gouliards were the direct descendants of Egyptian pharaohs, and they were Median magicians. Herodotus confirmed that.
According to Herodotus (IV/ 8) Heracles came to Gilead or Gel and there he had bedded Echidna, half woman half snake, for the sake of his horses and given birth to snakeborns (Mari/Medians). M. Khorenatsi in his book The History of Armenia calls the snakeborn Medians the dragonborns and notes that he has dedicated his book to them. And in the system of pseudo-gnostic Justin (Ref.V, 24), described by Hippolytus in the end of Book V Refutatio, birth of snakeborns has a mystic meaning. Hippolytus connects Justine’s doctrine with a story by Herodotus about Heracles, i.e. God himself plays the role of Heracles, and Eden or Israel that symbolizes womanhood plays the role of Echidna.  They gave birth to the generation of snakeborn messenger angels. This points to the fact that the generation of snakeborns is not the lineage of mere mortals but the generation of original heavenly angels. The ‘Angel’ symbol like the ‘Archangel’ and ‘Evangelus’ symbols derived from the ‘Gel’ symbol, where Heracles allied with Echidna. So Ismaelian Turkic begs (beys) are the snakeborn messenger angels, and Gel is Israel.
M. Khorenatsi in his book The History of Armenia notes that it was renamed Gel upon the completion of the construction of Jerusalem (33). True Jerusalem is therefore in the Caucasus. It appears from this that King Solomon built his temple in the territory of Azerbaijan. Khazar king Josef mentioned that in his famous Khazar Correspondence, too. He affirms that the tent of divine presence of God, the Arc of the Covenant and other artefacts are safe and kept in the territory of the city of Ardabil (34). And Ardabil is an ancient Azerbaijani city which was situated on the border of present Iran. So, in  fact, true Israel is Azerbaijan. In the Language of the Birds the ‘Israel’ symbol is interpreted as ‘ZRL’ that may be read as Azer-El, or the country of Osiri (Usiri/Osiris).
From the ‘Gel’ symbol is also derived the name Galileo (‘GLL’). The ‘Galileo’ symbol (Islam, Khalil/Khulul) applies to Jesus. In Sufism it means the embodiment of God and unity with Him, that means that Jesus is named Galilean because he is the Embodiment of God and is integral to Prima Materia. As we have mentioned in Sufism such unity is also called Baka. So Jesus Christ was descended from the lineage of Ismaelian-Shiite begs of Gel, Goulat. In ancient Egyptian texts mention Bekneranf whom Greeks called Bakhoris and whose wisdom was reflected in stories and Pompeian frescos (35). Considering that the ‘Bakhoris symbol’ is interpreted as ‘Beg-Christ’, i.e. “Christ who achieved the Baka’s level”, it becomes apparent that God Jesus Christ was a Turkic beg.
The ‘Khor’/’Horus’ (Khoris – F.G.B.) symbol in ancient Egyptian texts applies to the land of Begs; “Khor, the Lord Baki”, “Khor, the Sovereign of Baki”, “Khor, the Lord of the country of Baki”, etc. The blocks discovered in Dacca contain the following inscriptions: “Min-Ra (Amun Ra – F.G.B.), King of Gods staying at Baki” (36).
The fact that Jesus Christ knew ancient secrets means that he was a Shiite-Batinid too, because according to the Koran only between Batinids and God there is no veil, i.e. only Batinids know the secrets of creation (37).  
The ‘Shiah’ Islamic symbol is interpreted as God Shu in ancient Egyptian texts meaning the soul and the heart of Ra-Amun, the ancient Egyptian God. Hebrews called Shu spirit Jeshuah, and Christians called him Jesus. So Shiites are followers of Jeshuah, i.e. Jesus Christ. In fact according to the Koran first Shiites were Prophet Noah and Hebrew Patriarch Abraham (38).   
Great Sufi Muyiddin Ibn Arabi calls Jesus (not Imam Ali) the Seal of Absolute Valayyat, suggesting that functions of Imamology and Christology coincides (39). Ibn Arabi means Jesus Christ by the symbol of ‘successor’, and his image created by Allah’s “Kun!” (Be!) command. According to the Koran Allah created only Isa or Jesus after Adam by the order “Kun!”.  And according to the Hadiths Prophet Mohammed considers Isa, the son of Maryam, close to Him. This points to the fact that Mohammed also sees Jesus as Imam Ali. 
As we have already mentioned in Islam Gel or Goulat (GLT) house concerns Shiites who regard Imam Ali as Allah. Considering that in the Language of Birds the ‘Ali’ (L) symbol is God El (L), we may reach a conclusion that El, the Kingdom of Heaven, was created in Gilead. 
It is said in a Turkic monument Moyun Chor that wise Turkic Chagan Tolis transformed Prima Materia into El, i.e. created the Kingdom of Spirits in heaven (40). This means that the character of Shiite Imam Ali is the embodiment of the heavenly kingdom of spirits (Eden-Adam), which was created by Pharaoh Amun in the land of Gels, i.e. in Hilat/Gilead.  
In Mesopotamian sources the ‘El’ symbol applies to the Amorites (Il-Amurru) who acknowledged Sin, the Moon God, whose initial house was situated on the top of mountain of God behind mountains Zagros (41). In Islam, the symbol of which is the Moon, Shiite Imam Ali is also referred to as an Amorite and means the ruler, prince, etc. So amirs, Amorites and ameers were the generation of rulers. The ‘Ameer’/’Amorites’ (MR) is identical to the ‘Amr’ (MR) symbol, i.e. Order of God. The ‘Amr’ symbol in works of Sufi Al Ghazali is a kind of ideal entity by means of which “Allah follows His will”. So Allah executes His commands through Amorites. And the ‘Ali’ and ‘El’ symbols personify the ancient Egyptian God Ra Amun who is integral to Prima Materia and creates on behalf of Him.
Ismaelian Shiites who lived in the land of Gel (Hilat/Gilead) are also called Nizarites. According to sources Nizar is the pride of the race and he is living but invisible. He lives and rules for ever (42). It follows that Nizar is the embodiment of ever-living God. And such God was the ancient Egyptian God Asar/Usir/Osiris. In ancient Egyptian texts the ‘Asar’/’Usiri’/’Osiris’ symbol was connected with the city of Ane (Iunu/On) and named Nu-Usiri/Nu-Osiri (N-SR/N-ZR), i.e. Nisir/Nizar. So the ‘Nizar’ symbol means “God Osiri (Usiri/Osiris) staying in the city of Iunu/Nu.”
According to Memphian and Heliopolian cosmogony the Nine of Gods (the Ennead of Heliopolis) of Atum stays in the city of Ane, i.e. in Nu/Iunu (No/On). According to Prophet Naum No-Ammon city “is situated between the rivers and walled by the sea, and the sea serves as its walls” (43). And Jeremiah considers that Ammon is in the city of No (44). In Armenian texts the ‘No’ symbol corresponds to the city of Ani which belonged to Shahinshah, i.e. the King of Kings. In other sources the ‘No’ symbol is written as ‘On’ and according to B.A.Turayev Egyptian On is Yermont (Armant – Armenia) (45). On (the light in Coptic and Ancient Egyptian, Genesis 41:45, etc.) is regarded as the Egyptian City of the Sun. Another name of the city was Iliopolis or the City of the Sun Heliopolis. Considering that On/Iunu is the city of Gel, i.e. Heliopolis it becomes apparent that the Nizarites are residents of Gel, i.e. Jerusalem.  And the conclusion from this is that the Nizarites and Assassins are true Templars.
It is known from sources of the 13th century that Hasan Ibn Sabbah, the founder of the Order of Assassins, was at the head of Kuhistan, the state of Ismailites in Iran (46). And the capital of this state was the Alamut fortress. Arab sources call residents of the Alamut fortress Melakhs (Melek/Malik), Al Muhids (Melekuts), i.e. angels, and the country of angels Malakut (Malhut in Hebrew).
The Kuhistan symbol in the Language of the Bird is interpreted as the country of Kuh where this symbol appears in the meaning of ‘Hak’, i.e. the God. So Kuhistan means “The Country of Gods”. And the ‘Alamut’ symbol in the Language of the Birds means “El Muta”, i.e. “The World of Atum” or “The Country of Media”, etc. It is known that Hassan Ibn Sabbah created paradise in the Alamut fortress. So Kuhistan is the heavenly kingdom of spirits.
In Christian sources the ‘Nizar’ (NZR) symbol is written as ‘Nazareth’ (NZR-T) and is known as the place Jesus was from. And according to the Bible the ‘Nazarenes’ symbol applies to those people who devoted their lives to God (47), and so were the ultra Ismaelian Shiites trusting in Ali. So the Biblical Nazarenes are the same Nizarite angels living in the territory of Azerbaijan.
Goulat (Gel), i.e.the ultra Ismaelian Shiites trusting in Ali, don’t accept his death and await his return. They regard Ali as the God (Ali Ilahi) and in their opinion he will come back at the end of the world with his special Koran the contents of which is known to a limited set of sheikhs and dervishes. According to the Ali Ilahi’s teaching Prophet Mohammed is a messenger and exhorter incarnated in Ali (48).
The Masons interpret the ‘Ali’ symbol as ‘Elijah’. Like Ali biblical Elijah didn’t die but was taken alive to heaven in a chariot of fire. According to Paracelsus everything that is secret will come to light only after the advent of Master Elijah. In his Book concerning the Tincture of the Philosophers Paracelsus writes: “There are still many secrets related to the transmutation, which are known by very few, because even having been revealed to someone they do not become public information. Together with the Art God gives wisdom for keeping it secret till the advent of Master Elijah. Then all secret things will be brought forth”. He also notes: “A man whose fame is unknown to the world for the time being but who is fated to open many things will come after me… My book precedes Elijah and is to prepare the King Way for the Teacher…” (49). Like Paracelsus the Ordre Reaux Croix believed Elijah to be a prophet of future universal reformation. And JohannRudolf Glauber, an alchemist, considers that “Master Elijah will restore the true alchemical magic of the ancient Egyptian philosophy lost more than thousand years ago, – He will bring it and reveal it to the world”. 
All of this points to the fact that sons of Goulia who knew the Language of the Birds were descendants of Shiite angels of the Gel house having the secret knowledge.
According to the Koran Allah had chosen the messengers from among angels (50). And, as we have already mentioned, the generation of angels was the Gels family. The ‘Gilead’ (GLD) or ‘Goulat’ (GLT) symbol are written in sources in the same way as ‘Koliada’ (KLD). In Russian texts the ‘Kolyada’ symbol is known for the fact that Messiah will appear from Koliada. So the land of Gels, Gilead or Goulat is the land of all messengers, i.e. prophets. 
According to Plato the God Poseidon was an ancestor of the Atlantis. He chose for a wife a mortal woman Cleito by name who gave birth to ten divine sons the eldest of which was Atlas.  Poseidon divided the island among his sons, and they became forebears of the king families (51). The ‘Cleito’ (CLT) symbol is identical to the ‘Gilead’/’Hilat’/’Celt’ (GLD/HLT/CLT), etc. symbol in its meaning. This points to the fact that not only prophets but also all kings of the ancient world came from Gel or Gilead.
Historian M.Khorenatsi in his book The History of Armenia attributes the ‘Gel’ symbol to the lineage of Gelar Kuni and calls Gelarians the great and eminent Sisak family, i.e.  Scythian kings (52). The ‘Anglo-Saxon’ symbol derived from the ‘Gel-Sisak’ symbol. It is recognised that Anglo-Saxons were the Germanic tribes of Angles and Saxons. The ‘German’ symbol means ‘Gor-Amun’ and is interpreted as “the followers of Horus from the family of Pharaoh Amun”.
In the Language of the Birds the ‘Kuni’ (KN) symbol is identical to the ‘Nun-ki’ (NN-K) symbol (“the place of power”) which is also written as ‘Enki’ (NK).  These symbols apply to the firstSumerian royal capital and residence of the God of Chaos. Here, in the holy quarter of Babylon the Eridu Temple dedicated to Marduk. Another name of this temple was E-Sagida which is also known as the Etemenanki Ziggurat (Atum-Nun-Ki) or “the quay of heaven and earth” (“the temple of the foundation of heaven and earth”).
David Rohl in the book The Lost Testament writes that Sumerians from Eridu raised the mortal king Enmer-Kara having given him the divine status and named him Asar, the son of Enki. And Assyrians, whose name derived from the name ‘Asar’, hallowed Enmer/Asar as the god-patron of their state Ashur (Assur). The name ‘Asar’ is translated as ‘powerful’ and written as a hieroglyph consisting of the royal throne and the eye of providence.
In the Language of the Birds the ‘Enmer’ (NMR) symbol is interpreted as ‘Ra Amun’ (RMN), and the ‘Kara’ symbol means Kor, i.e. Horus, the God of the Sun.  So the God Ra Amun-Horus was renamed as the God Asar or Osiris. In Sufism the ‘Asar’ symbol is interpreted as “Issi Ra”, i.e. “the spirit of the Sun God Ra”.  The ‘Ra Amun’ symbol means “the soul of Pharaoh Amun” indeed which allied with the Sun disk Ra”. And the ‘Horus’ symbol means “the Sun Ra created from Prima Materia” (consonants G.K.H (Hu), etc. are the symbols of Prima Materia). All of this points to the fact that the god Asar (Osiris/Osiri) is the spirit of Pharaoh Amun who had become immortal by means of metamorphosis.
According to D.Rohl the ‘Misir’ or ‘Mizraim’ (Egypt) symbols mean “the descendant of Asr or Asar”. And Asar was the leader of Mesopotamian conquerors, who have invaded the Nile valley (53).  D.Rohl writes: “Egyptians had their own myths and legends about Horus followers who came from afar and brought civilization to Ancient Egypt. The Egyptian creation myth is a narrative of a distant place in the East, where the Sun rises, of the Island of Fire raising from waters of the Chaos where Shebtiu had built their first temple. This was Eridu, “the place of power”, where the Abzu Temple was erected and where Hush (Kush) and Mizraim (Masri) tribes came from to colonize the Nile valley” (54).  Other scientists (e.g.: Hornblower, an English Eyptologist) also note that Osiris/Osiri was not the native Egyptian deity but a “stranger” from Western Asia (55). This points to the fact that the tribe of Mizraim, i.e. “descendants of Asar”, came from the East, from the Island of Fire.
The Ishraq Philosophy of the great Azerbaijani philosopher Shihabaddin Yahya Sohravardi is associated with the ‘East’ symbol. But, of course, his works concern not the geographical but metaphysical East, the East of the Spirit.  Henry Corbin notes that esoterism of Sohravardi means the spiritual world of the Source – “Malakut” (literally “the House of Angels”) by the East (56). We have already mentioned that the country of angels Malakut (Malhut in Hebrew) was situated in the territory of Media, in the Alamut fortress. Later this land was called the country of Azer, i.e. Azerbaijan. In the Pahlavi language the ‘Azer’ symbol means ‘fire’ and sources call Azerbaijan “the Land of Fire”. So the tribe of Mizraim or descendants of Asar came from ancient Azerbaijan. Today there are settlements near Ardabil in the territory of Azerbaijan the names of which are associated with the ‘Asar’ symbol: Peshtasar, Pirasar, Kurdasar, Bilasar, Luvasar, Shaglasar, etc.
Rene Guenon, the famous French philosopher, notes in his article “The Language of the Birds” that the Language of the Birds is the language of angels living in paradise. That’s why the Islamic tradition contains a statement that Adam in the Garden of Eden spoke in a rhymed language, i.e. in “the Loghah Suryaniah”, that bears no relation to the country named Syria or to any of ancient enough languages that has come down to us. According to an interpretation of its name thisloghah suryaniyah is the “language of illumination” shams-ishraqyah (Shams-Ishraq). Really, Surya is the Sanskrit name of the Sun, and this fact may indicate that its root “Sur” is one of those that mean ‘light’ and belongs to this ancient language. So this refers to primordial Syria mentioned by Homer as an island located “beyond Ogygia”, that makes it (Syria) identical to Hyperborean Thule (Tula) where “the Sun rotates the entire circle”. According to Joseph the capital of this country was called Heliopolis or “the City of the Sun”. Later a city in Egypt (also referred to as “On”) was given the same name like Thebes (first of all this was one of the names of the capital of Ogygia) (57).
According to Guenon the Language of the Birds is the language of the Sun God Ra which is denoted as Asar, i.e. “Issi-Ra” or “the spirit of God Ra”. And the ‘Sur’ (SR) symbol (suryaniyah) is the ‘Asar’ symbol (SR). So the Loghah Suryaniah(Ishraq/Sharq or the East) is the language of Asar or the God Osiris (Osiri).
Further Rene Guenon writes: “Setting forth the metaphysical principle of ‘the science of letters’ (Arabic ‘Ilmul-Huruf), Seyidi Muyiddin (Ibn Arabi) in his al-Futūāt al-Makkiyya regards the Universe as symbolized by a book: it’s a well-known Rosicrucians’ symbol of Liber Mundi as well as Liber Vitae of the Revelation. Letters on this book were inscribed coincidently and inseparably by the ‘Divine Pen’(El-Qualamul-Ilahi). These ‘transcendent writing’ is the eternal figures or divine ideas, and since every letter is at the same time a number, correspondence between this dogma and the Pythagorean doctrine becomes apparent. Same ‘transcendent writing’ is also all creatures that were at first thickened in divine omniscience and then transferred to the lower levels have composed, formed and created the embodied Universe. Here one inevitably makes a comparison with the role letters play in Sefer Yetzirah’s cosmogonic doctrine. However, ‘the science of letters’ has much the same meaning in Jewish Kabbalah and Islamic Esoterism”(58). ‘Embodied Universe’ means the Universe rearranged by Pharaoh Amon. It was embodied in Adam (Ancient Egyptian ‘Atum’) about whom Torah says: “…God created man (Adam) on the Earth and across the Sky…” (59). Considering that the Eden Paradise is on the body of cosmic Adam (the embodied Universe), we accept that Syriac is a language of primary matter from which cosmic Adam appeared. This points to the fact that this language is at the same time the language of angels, i.e. the language of human souls that obtained immortality in the Garden of Eden.
According to Nicholson who has studied the works of Sufi Al Gazali Prophet Mohammed was the divine person created after the image of Allah and considered the Cosmic Power the order and preservation of the Universe depend on” (60). It is mentioned in the book Javidanname by the Hurufic Sufi Fazlullah Astarabadi that Caaba, Darus-Salam and Beytul Muqaddas (Jerusalem) are in the body of Adam. And Prophet Mohammed is the world which was created for 6 days according to Torah. And Muyiddin Ibn Arabi notes that the “nature of Mohammed” (al-Haqiqa al-Muhammadiyah) is the first true creature or the Human. According to Ibn Arabi the God being the holder of His glorious names outnumbering everything wanted to see their embodiment in an aggregate creature that would cover the whole world order having an attribute of existence, and to unveil His Secret for Himself through this creature. And He created Adam in his own similitude in the form of the Cosmic Man (61). So Prophet Mohammed is an embodiment of the Cosmic God who covers all creatures with His body, and the Islamic or Salem world was also created on His body. And the fact that the embodied Universe was created by the divine breath resembles us the ancient Egyptian God Ptah.
According to ancient Egyptian texts Pharaoh Amun having equated himself with Nun, i.e. primordial water (Prima Materia) created Atum (Adam) under the name of Ptah. Ptah creates the world and gods with the power of his divine word. The God’s creative power consists in his heart and thoughts and wishes generated by it and expressed by Amun’s lips. The idea “has arisen in the heart” of Amun: this heart or mind was Ptah. Then the idea “has arisen on the tongue” of Amun; this tongue or speech was Ptah, and so on.
As follows from the Heliopolian teaching about creation the universe represents a chain of creating of one natural phenomenon by another. “Supreme Atum (Adam), whose name may be interpreted as “all”, has ascended on the hill in the middle of primordial waters of Nun (Naun).  Atum himself has given birth to a couple: Shu and Tefnut (Air and Moisture). The second couple: Geb and Nut (the Earth and the Sky) has been born to them. They in turn created the gods Osiris (Asar), Isis, Seth and Nephthys. And this group of nine deities (the Ennead) forms Atum who has been created by lips of the God Ptah. Among them there is also Osiris or Asar who was born as a powerful lord, the god, according to sources.
David Rohl calls the Sumerian God Asar ’Asar-Luhi’ (62). In Sufism the ‘Luhi’ symbol is identical to the ‘Leg’ symbol which was the Kadusi tribe that lived in the territory of ancient Media (63). Strabo calls Legs and Gels the Scythian tribes (64). In the Language of the Birds the ‘Luhi’ symbol like ‘Hel’ or ‘Gel’ symbols is interpreted as ‘El-Hu’, i.e. “the world of Prima Materia “Hu””. In Islam this symbol is read as ‘Ilahi’, from which the ‘Allah’ symbol (or God) derived. So the ‘Asar-Luhi’ symbol may be read also as ‘Asar-Ilahi’, i.e. Asar-Allah – the God Asar. Considering that symbols Luhi, Hel and Gel are similar it becomes apparent that the Gel tribe is the tribe of Asar. So the sons of Goulia (Gel) are at the same time the sons of Asar, i.e. the God Osiri/Osiris. As we have already written above the ‘Gel’ symbol consists of the consonants ‘G’ and ‘L’. ‘G’ consonant like similar consonants ‘H’, ‘K’, etc. is the symbol of Prima Materia which is invisible in nature. It is visible only in ecstatic state. So in ancient texts consonants ‘G’, ‘H’, ‘K’, etc. are not spelt in some places. For example, Ermont/Erman instead of Hermont/Herman, Ilioupoli instead of Helipolis, Aldi instead of Chaldi, Elen instead of Gelen, etc. (65). So the ‘Gel’ and ‘El’ symbols are similar.
We know that El is the Cosmic God created from Prima Materia and means the kingdom of spirits. Considering that this heavenly world is at the same time the world of the God Asar, i.e. Osiri/Osiris, we can write the ‘El’ symbol also as ‘AsarEl’ or ‘OsiriEl’. And this symbol is identical to the ‘Israel’ symbol. And the ‘Asar-Luhi’ (SR-LH) symbol itself may be also read as Israel-Hu (SRL-H), i.e. “The World of the God Osiris created from Prima Materia”. Hence the sons of Goulia are the sons of Israel.
It is said in the Koran that this book has been sent for the sons of Israel extoled and raised by the God on earth. They were chosen for the knowledge above the worlds (66).  The fact that they were chosen for the knowledge means that this knowledge is the Solomon’s grade or the divine secret knowledge known to King Solomon. It follows from this that the sons of Goulia is the tribe extoled by the God above the worlds. The God has given a prophecy to it and made them successors on earth. 
In the Language of the Birds the ‘Gouliard’ (GL-RD) symbol may be read as ‘Gul-Eridu’ (GL-RD).  As we have already mentioned Eridu (the place of power) means Babylon and the E-Sagida Temple which was called “the quay of heaven and earth” (“the temple of the foundation of heaven and earth”). This was therefore the place where Nut, the ancient Egyptian celestial world, and Geb, the Earth, were created (the Heavenly Kingdom of Spirits). So the Eridu Temple was the city of the Sun where Nine Gods of Atum stayed.
According to the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead the celestial habitation of Gods was built in Heliopolis, and the body of the God Asar (Osiri/Osiris) sleeps in this city. So the Gouliards are the direct descendants of the Mesopotamian God Asar.
Grasset d’Orcet notes that all European kings were the Gouliards. It follows from this that they were connected somehow with the Bagarat’s family, because according to M.Khorenatsi Jews of Bagarat were especially close to the King (i.e. the God) and the King entitled them to crown kings and called them ‘those who put on crowns’ (67). Considering that the ‘Bagarat’ (BGRT) symbol is interpreted as ‘Bag-Orat’ or the ‘Beg from Eridu’ (BG-RD) it becomes apparent that the sons of Goulia were the Begs from Eridu.
In the Indian mythology the ‘Bagarat’ (BGRT) symbol is known as Bharata (BHRT) one of the heroes of Mahabharata (Mag-Bharata). It is said in the book that Bharata was the founder of the Moon Dynasty and this word (being carried or kept) is one of epithets of fire which is kept on in the hearth. So the family of Bharata, i.e. Bagarata is the generation of Amorites who worshiped the Moon God Sin. In the land of Amorites the divine fire or Prima Materia was kept. In sources Amorites are referred to as Mari who lived in the territory of Media.
According to Ammianus Marcellinus the divine fire was kept on by Median magicians (68). And the Greek mythology mentions that Prometheus had given the divine fire to mortals, and Zeus chained him to the Caucasian mountains. It is said in the Torah that prophet Moses had brought the divine fire from heaven (69). Due to regular sacrifices being made on the sacrificial altar there was always fresh blood spilled on it and smoke of burnt sacrifices was rising incessantly to the sky.  The divine fire usually burning on the sacrificial altar was kept on continuously (70).
Isidorus Characenus notes that the eternal fire was kept on in the city of Asaak where “Arsak was proclaimed king for the first time” (71). Al-Kufi writes that Arshak (Arsak) is situated approximately 45 km from Ardabil (72).
So the Arc of the Covenant and other Armour of God are stored near the ancient Azerbaijani city Ardabil. And the divine fire was also kept on here, which means that theurgical process of creation of god took place in the territory of Ardabil.
E.A.Grantovskiy, the scientist who was engaged in study of Iranian documents from “the fortified wall”, notes that names “Raman”, “Ramakara”, “Ramateya”, etc. occurring in texts mean “peace” or the “created peace” which, of course, refers to none of our concepts of physical world. And this world makes the Aryans powerful. Vision of the world under the strong power of the fair ruler as a condition of prosperity was typical both for Achaemenid Mazdaism and the early Avesta. In the Gathas “the world” is associated with the concepts of “power” (of the ruler), etc. and is a condition of happy life and prosperity. Thus Yasna 58.3 indicates that the God brings peace to prosperous settlements through “good rulers” (73).  This points to the fact that ancient kings and rulers became powerful owing to the divine fire. And this fire was kept on in the city of Asaaka or Sisak, on the land of Gilar begs (beys).
In Asia Minor Gilar was the name of a ceremony devoted to the death and resurrection of the God Attis (Adonis, Tammuz, Cybele) (74). In fact, this ceremony has its origins from Egypt where the symbol of “death and resurrection of God” meant Osiris (Asar/Osiri). In Sufism the ‘Gelar’ symbol is identical to the ‘Klar’ symbol (the cultic centre of Apollo) the ‘Klir” symbol (which means “the land of God”) derived from. And ‘clergy’ is priests, Levites and prophets. Considering that in the Language of the Birds the ‘Gouliard’ symbol is identical to the ‘Gilar’ symbol, it becomes apparent that the Gouliards were descendants of ancient Gilar begs, which means that all European kings and tsars were the Gouliards, as they belonged to the king family of Poseidon and Heracles. 
According to sources all Iranian shahs (Aranshahs) were descended from the Sisak race, i.e. Gilarkuni (75). And Arakel Davrijetsi (Tabrizi) notes that Ottoman kings also belonged to this race of snakeborns (76). In various sources the symbol of ‘the snakeborns’ is mentioned also as ‘the dragonborns’. Considering that Chinese and other eastern emperors also were of the dragon race, it becomes apparent that Gilar begs were the masters of the ancient world.
Grasset d’Orcet emphasizes that architects of the Middle Ages were the Gouliards too. And all Christian installations were built by them. Like architects and artisans many the Gouliards undertook journeys beyond the sea. They left a lot of monuments built in their style in the East. And Kenneth Johnson proves that Masonic craft guilds had originated from the Sufi order named “The Builders” and founded by Dhu’l-Nun in the 10th century. And Freemasons themselves consider that their tradition came from the time of when the Solomon’s Temple was built, or even from Ancient Egypt. Taking into consideration that according to a legend Dhu’l-Nun got Sufi wisdom including alchemy and secrets of land measuring from Egypt, we can suggest that this is true to some extent (77). David Rohl calls ancient builders who left genius monuments behind “the building gods”, “the brotherhood of sages”, “great spirits of the primitive epoch”, “offsprings of the Creator”, etc. This points to the fact that the Gouliards are descendants of the same ancient gods who built the mystical Etemenanki Ziggurat or the tower of Babel.
Grasset d’Orcet calls the builders or masons of the tower of Babel worshipers of the Moon. As we have already mentioned above, Mesopotamian sources name the worshipers of the Moon the Amorites (Il-Amurru) who acknowledged the Moon God Sin. The ‘Mason’ symbol derived from the ‘Sin’ symbol. So all Masons were the Amorites or Ameers, i.e. they belonged to the family of rulers. Taking into account that the ‘Ameer/Amorite’ symbol is identical to the ‘Amr’ symbol, i.e. the order of Allah we can suggest that Masons were executors of will of Allah. And the fact that Masons wait for the advent of Master Elijah in the end of the world means that they are ultra-Shiites of Gel who also wait for the Advent of Imam Ali.
The ‘Mason’ symbol is written as ‘Freemason’ where the ‘free’ symbol is identical to the Sufi symbol ‘Pir’ and Egyptian ‘Pirao’ or ‘Pharaoh. But this symbol is also read as ‘ether’ or Prima Materia. So Masons were descendants of Egyptian pharaohs who were connected with Prima Materia (ether).  In Sufism this connection (unity) is called “Wahdat al-Wujud”. So in the Language of the Birds the ‘freemason’ symbol means ‘Pharaoh Sin’.
In the treatise of the famous Sufi Jabir Ibn Hayan entitled “The Book of Glorious” (Kitab al Majid) the ‘Sin’ symbol applies to awaited Imam. Here the Imam is represented as Elixir (al-Ixir) emanated from the Divine Spirit that will change the state of things in our world. So the image of ‘Sin’ is the image of awaited Imam Ali, i.e. Prophet Elijah. According to Paracelsus his book is dedicated to the Advent of Elijah and is to prepare the King Way for the Teacher. So the organization of Masons was also formed for implementation of the will of God and His predestination.
The sons of Gel or the Gouliards called themselves “the brothers who kept their faith in ancestors and reverence for the Tomb”. They considered Pharaoh Amun their ancestor who had turned into the God Ra Amun. And His Tomb was the Etemenanki Temple that later was called Jerusalem or Gel. Here, in the underground cave the Pharaoh Amun’s body rests and treasure of all ancient gods is located.
According to sources the Gouliards didn’t respect anyone and even Popes. And the Roman Catholic Church gave the Gouliards such freedom and privileges that were beyond all reasonable limits. This was caused by the fact that they knew divine secrets and were considered the direct descendants of the God Himself. Mason-the Gouliards called the one God the Great Architect of the Universe and implemented His will. Their objective was to establish the world order predetermined by the Great Architect of the Universe.
O.Platonov, the researcher of the Russian Masonry, writes that Russian Masons liked talking about fighting evil in the world and inside themselves and ascending the secret stairs or about the chain linking the world of the earth and dust with the world of spirit. There are many steps on this stairs and many links in this chain but the most important among them are self-awareness, confession, arrangement of the internal temple and higher insight, for some seekers it is ecstasy and for other it is great and silent contemplation (78). In the East this ideology was known as Sufism, and its steps (grades) as “silsila”, “makam”, “manzil”, etc.
According to Kenneth Johnson in the 13th century the English philosopher Roger Bacon used Sufi and Darvish texts as the sources when reading lectures in Oxford. Among them there were The Secrets of Illuministic Wisdom by Ibn Sabin, as well as the statement of Suhrawardi made in his Wisdom of Illumination to the effect that the so-called Secret Doctrine of illumination was common for all esoteric teachings of the ancient world. It was known to Noah and Abraham, Chaldean and Egyptian teachers, Hermes, Zarathustra, Greek philosophers Pythagoras, Anaxagoras and Socrates, and, of course, to Sufis (79). 
This points to the fact that secret organizations of the ancient world were associated with Sufism. And Sufism is another name of the science “batin” (also Tavil, Ledun, etc.). In sources Batinids are also referred to as the Ismaelian seyyeds of the Gel tribe, i.e. Turkic begs (beys) of Azerbaijan. Till the 20th century more than half of Azerbaijani names consisted of two parts one of which was connected with the ‘Goul’ symbol: Gulmammad, Gulhassan, Guloghlan, Aligulu, Jafargulu, Huseyingulu, etc. They are descended from the the Gouliards. So the sons of Goulia are Azers, i.e. the direct descendants of the Mesopotamian God Asar. In the Koran they are referred to as the sons of Israel (Azer-El) who were exalted by the God. The God has given them the book, wisdom, prophecy and welfare and made them His successors on earth. They were chosen for the knowledge. This knowledge is the Solomon’s grade or the Language of the Birds known to the Gouliards.
In his book The Republic Plato emphasizes: “Until, then, kings are philosophers, or philosophers are kings, cities will never cease from ill…” (80). Plato also means the celestial world of gods located on the body of Cosmic Atum by the term ‘Republic’. And according to Sufism the Messiah or Prophet Elijah will come and head this State (Republic) in the end of the world. This points to the fact that all cataclysms and various troubles will end only upon the advent of Elijah.
Taking all the aforesaid into consideration we may come to the conclusion that all secrets of the ancient world are connected with one and the same place on the Earth. This is a place where Pharaoh Amun had created the heavenly kingdom for immortals. All mysteries of the ancient world are also associated with this place. There all ancient gods lived. And all emperors, tsars, kings and other rulers of the world came from this place. In the end of the world He who will rule the world after the God Ra Amun will come. The Sun God will give his place to the Moon God, and the New Era of absolute triumph of justice and happy life for all people will begin.

1.           Грасе д”Орсе, «Язык птиц. Тайная история Европы», сайт:http://lib.rus.ec/b/370590/read
2.           Коран, 21:81-82, 27:16-17, 34:10-13, 38: 33-39
3.           Идрис Шах, «Магия Востока», M., 2000, стр. 99
4.           М. Бойс, «Зороастрийцы», М., 1987, стр. 120
5.           Ибн Араби, «Геммы мудрости»гл.16
6.           М. Нострадамус, «Центурии», М., 1991, Центурия 3
7.           İmadəddin Nəsimi, «Seçilmiş əsərləri», Bakı-2004, I том, стр. 28
8.           Эрнст Карл, «Суфизм», сайт:http://www.universalinternetlibrary.ru/book/ernst/2.shtml
9.           Платон, «Тимей» 71Е, 72В
10.       Анри Корбен, «История Исламской философии», сайт: http://ruh.kz/blog/anri-korben-istoriya-islamskoi-filosofii
11.       Грасе д”Орсе, «Язык птиц. Тайная история Европы» (сайт см. лит.1)
12.       А. Л. Хосроев, «Александрийское христианство», М., 1991, стр. 110
13.       Кеннет Райнер Джонсон, «Феномен Фулканелли», сайт: http://www.e-reading.org.ua/bookreader.php/145322/Dzhonson_-_Fenomen_Fulkanelli._Taiina_alhimika_XX_veka.html
14.       Cihangir Gener, «Ezoterik – Batıni Doktrinler Tarihi», сайт:http://www.historicalsense.com/Archive/CG/CG_icindekiler.htm
15.       Теософский словарь, сайт: http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/relig/1241
16.       Библия, Быт. 37:25,28
17.       Библия, Пс. 59:9
18.       Библия, Чис. 3:12
19.       Артур Кестлер, «Тринадцатое колено»
20.       Абу Хамид Аль Газали, “Эликсир Счастья”, сайт:http://www.sufizm.ru/lib/gasali/selected/4/
21.       Firudin Gilar Bəg, “Batini-Quran”
22.       Ямвлих Халкидский «О египетских мистериях»
23.       Ə. Rəcəbov, Y. Məmmədov, “Orxon-Yenisey abidələri”, B.,1993, стр. 104
24.       Ибн Араби, «Геммы мудрости», гл. 8
25.       Библия, Суд. 8:24
26.       К. Гандзакеци, “История Армении”, М., 1976, стр. 282
27.       У. Бадж, «Египетская религия. Египетская магия», M., 2000, стр. 143
28.       И. М. Дьяконов, «История Мидии», М.-Л.,1956, стр. 129,133
29.       Г. М. Бонгард-Левин, Г. Ф. Ильин, «Индия в древности», М., 1985, стр. 404
30.       «Историческая география Азербайджана», Б.1987, стр. 95
31.       М. А. Коростовцев, «Религия древнего Египта», М.,1976, стр. 58
32.       Дэвид Рол, «Утраченный Завет», сайт:  http://lib.rus.ec/b/328508/read
33.       М. Хоренский, «История Армении», Кн. 2, гл. 60
34.       Приложение III. Хазарская переписка, сайт:http://www.bibliotekar.ru/hazary/56.htm
35.       Б. А. Тураев, «Древний Египет», Изд. “Огни”, Петроград, 1922, стр. 123
36.       Э. Е. Кормышева, «Религия Куша», М., 1984, стр. 71,74,76,112,146
37.       Коран, 18:90
38.       Коран, 37:83
39.       Анри Корбен, «История Исламской философии», сайт: http://ruh.kz/blog/anri-korben-istoriya-islamskoi-filosofii
40.       Ə. Rəcəbov, Y. Məmmədov, “Orxon-Yenisey abidələri”, B.,1993, стр. 134
41.       Д. Рол, «Утраченный Завет»
42.       Л. В. Строева, «Государства исмаилитов в Иране в XI – XIII вв.», М., 1987, стр.165,166,59
43.       Библия, Наум, III:8
44.       Библия, Иерем. 46:25-26
45.       Б. А. Тураев, “Древний Египет”, Петроград, 1922, Изд., “Огни”, стр. 37
46.       Л. В. Строева, «Государства Исмаилитов в Иране в XI – XIII вв.», М., 1987, стр. 128
47.       Библия, Чис. 6
48.       «Шииты, сунниты, дервиши: вечные тайны ислама», М., 2005, стр. 103
49.       Кеннет Райнер Джонсон, «Феномен Фулканелли» (сайт см. лит.13)
50.       Коран, 22:75
51.       Платон, «Критий», сайт: http://www.dp5.ru/index.php/-2/71538-platon-kritij-s-doc.html
52.       М. Хоренский, «История Армении», Кн. I, гл. 12
53.       Д. Рол, «Генезис цивилизации. Откуда мы произошли…», М., 2002, стр. 459
54.       Д. Рол, «Утраченный Завет»
55.       М. А. Коростовцев, «Религия древнего Египта», М.,1976., стр. 124
56.       Ш. Я. Сохраварди, сайт: http://angel.org.ru/2/sohrpred.html
57.       Рене Генон, статья «Язык птиц», сайт:  http://podelise.ru/download/docs-24241168/24241168.doc
58.       Рене Генон, статья «Язык птиц» (сайт см. лит.57)
59.       Библия, Втор. 4:32
60.       Абу Хамид Аль Газали, «Воскрешение наук о вере», М., 1980, стр. 284
61.       Ибн Араби. «Геммы мудрости», гл.1
62.       Д. Рол, «Утраченный Завет»
63.       И. Алиев «Очерки Истории Атропатены», Б., 1989, стр. 140
64.       Страбон. XI,V,1
65.       Г. В. Носовский, А. Т. Фоменко, «Империя», М., 2000, стр. 606
66.       Коран, 27:76,77, 45:16, 2:47,122,40, 44:32, 45:16, 6:165
67.       М. Хоренаци, «История Армении», Кн. 2, гл. 7
68.       «История древнего Востока», том I, М., 1983, стр. 216
69.       Библия, Исх. 19:18, 25:9, 40:36-38, Чис. 9:15-23
70.       Библия, Лев. 6:12,13
71.       М. Бойс, «Зороастрийцы», М., 1987, стр. 107
72.       Аль Куфи, «Китаб аль Фитух»
73.       «История Иранского государства и культуры», М., 1971, стр. 305
74.       Ем. Ярославский, «Как родятся, живут и умирают Боги», М.,1941, стр. 83,86
75.       Firudin Gilar Bəg, статья: “Şahnamə” – türk bəglərinin tərcümyi-halıdır», сайт:http://www.gilarbeg.com/print.php?content=1138
76.       А. Даврижеци, «Книга историй», М., 1973, гл. 51
77.       Кеннет Райнер Джонсон, «Феномен Фулканелли» (сайт см. лит.13)
78.       О. Платонов, «Тайная история масонства»
79.       Кеннет Райнер Джонсон, «Феномен Фулканелли» (сайт см. лит.13)
80.       Платон, «Государство», 473d
Firudin Gilar Bek

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